Welcome to my new web gallery. Here I will publish my best photographs. Thanks my MacBook Pro went down and needed repair, then I could start working on my web which have been lying «on ice» for quite a few years. What you see now have been made in just a couple of days.
I’ve been on the web since 1994, that’s quite some time. I have been hard-coding, used several html editors and text editors, but now I have switched to a publishing system. Another world in many ways. Of course there’s still some coding to do underneath, but not as much as before. Nice 🙂 .
The main part of this site will be my gallery, but I will have a few pages related to other interests as well. Music and HiFi is one, geocaching another. A few experimental pages will also exist on this site. Most of the geocaching stuff will be published in Norwegian, as I see that mostly having a Norwegian public.
Well, this is at the beginning, let’s see where we’re heading!